Andy Reid KC Chiefs and his use of motion in his offense.
When you incorporate motion into your offense, it can not only dictate coverage presnap, it can help cause confusion in coverage and create advantageous high low situations for your qb and wr. This has been done for years by Andy Reid and his coaching staff.
Lets take a look at how the Chiefs use motion in their offense.
A few motions and plays you see from the Chiefs offense:
Jet Sweep motion:
They run their jet motion and then run Kelce on the wheel route off the post by #2
Heres a great jet motion where he gets the defense to change the strength, then flip lb’s and then gets 3 players to chase Tyreek hill and leave Kelce wide open!
It starts with jet left, then he goes back right!
Safety and Lb’s are confused as they spin it and lb’s shift sides trying to change the strength.
The Lb’s and safety all forget about Kelce who is wide open! uh oh!
Heres the film of the play in it’s entirety.
Orbit motion variations
You will see them run different plays off their orbit motions with the wr coming into the backfield.
They run y cross below as they cause confusion with Hill to the flat.
Another orbit motion with the wr coming into the backfield
this time the route concept is the RB seam behind the y cross. Excellent design as the RB gets open after the deep over y cross concept.
Tear motion RB- Tear motion is when the RB releases to the flat laterally they run the same play as above with with the deep crossing route by the TE.
Next example
Tyreek Hill is in the backfield. They run Tear motion with the other rb and Hill down the seem from the backfield.
The defense is in man free an Mahomes takes the matchup with Kelce after the middle of the field is vacated.
Here’s running tear motion the sideline and running the spot route. He feels the pressure and assumes its a fire zone because no one ran with the motion. Its double inside blitz so he gets the ball to the RB right now with the read on the spot route..
The next route with tear motion is the stick by #3 with the post wheel on the outside.
The RB goes in motion to the 3x1 side. Mahomes gets man and chooses the matchup of Kelce on a LB.
These are just a few of the motions you will see from Andy Reid and the Chiefs. I hope you enjoyed this article on the passing game.