Georgia 3rd Down Zone Concepts vs Texas
Georgia had an excellent pressure plan on 3rd down when they played Texas. They ran some really good pressures and mixed up their coverages. They often moved from an odd look to double mug and then brought pressure from it.
Odd to Mug
Double Mug
Let’s Look at 3 coverages they played in this game on 3rd down!
Cover 2 Match
Cover 3 Match
2 under 3 deep
Cowboy pressure zone match cover 2
Move odd to mug with Cowboy to the boundary
After they move to double mug they bring the CB
Cover 2 with match inside
They play cover 2 vs 3x1 but will match the shallow and inside route vs 3x1. Nice match concept and they get the turnover.
Another example of cover 2 match
Cover 2 Match
Cover 2 with a simulated pressure. This is just a simulated pressure in which they bring the Mike and drop the DE. They bait the CB as they show press on the outside. The QB doesn’t expect him to undercut the route!
Again they have the Sam and Mike play shallow crosser and deep crosser and match it as part of their 3x1 package.
Cover 3 Match
This is similar to above but they run it with cover 3. The difference is the shallow cross LB adds in when their is no #3 WR coming across the formation. #3 blocks so the shallow cross LB adds in.
3rd and 10
2 Under 3 Deep
They send 6 and run 2 under 3 deep coverage. They again move from an odd to the double mug look to try to confuse the protection.
On the back end you see the 2 under 3 deep as it plays out vs the route distribution.
I hope you enjoyed some of these 3rd down concepts of Georgia. These are a a few of the concepts they use!