New How to Utilize Press Quarters and cover 2 as the Perfect Compliment
Press quarters is a great football coverage. It has been run by some great programs including Michigan State, Pitt, Arkansas State and others. It has some really good uses. It can really disrupt routes and force teams to run certain concepts and take away others.
Advantages of press quarters:
1. Utilizes your athleticism at CB, forces low percentage throws on the outside(fade routes)
2. Allows 9 guys to play the run with safety support
3. Underneath defenders can be very aggressive in their zones and play the flat routes aggressively
4. It simplifies things for the CB, will get mostly fade and slant routes vs press coverage. Understand that and know what you're going to get.
Press quarters is a coverage you see more at the college level. It is a coverage which plays your CB at 2 yards and has them press bail on the snap. Depending on the release of the WR he can end up being man to man on the #1 WR or passing him off and playing a deep quarter. His rule is simple, he has the #1 WR man for man unless he goes inside under 5 yards. The Safeties then play # 2 if he releases vertical at a depth of more than 8 yards. Again, if #2 goes inside or outside less than 6-8 yards he will get help from the LB's underneath. The reality of it is it becomes man to man coverage quite often.
Here's how it looks 2x2
Vs 3x1
The weakside safety will now key #3 vs 3x1. If #3 releases vertical he will play #3. The CB to the weak side has to be taught to expect no help over the top in this coverage.
Film of some cover 4 clips.
There is some flaws with the defense and some reasons why I think teams that play press quarters should play some cover 2. This is highlighted below. Again, I love quarters but think you need a changeup at times to give teams a different look.
Why teams should play cover 2 who play press quarters.
The #1 reason is you need answers.
The #1 problem with press coverage is the #2 wr to the flat. You are also starting to see the better teams take advantage of it. Most of the route concepts you see that hurt press quarters can be defended with cover 2 as a change up.
If you played cover 2 above you would have the CB taking away the RB the safety and sam helping on the in route and may be better with the flat defender. It would force the read to to the crosser and you'd be in better shape.
Here’s some cover 2 clips.
Pitt plays a ton of press quarters. Here on a key 4th and 4 with a minute to go and Pitt up 23-20 vs. Louisville ., Pitt plays cover 2 to the boundary and traditional quarters to the field. This catches Louisville off guard as they were trying to hit the #2 wr to the flat. A great change up and the change up in coverage secures the win .
Problem # 2- #2 WR to the Boundary
2 to the boundary is an issue. Whether it's an RPO like Notre Dame runs or simple out cut by NC State, #2 to the flat is an issue when you play quarters. I like having the ability to change to a cover 2 scheme and get a flat defender. It can clear up the read sometimes for the cb and safety.
#2 You are going to get a ton of fade routes and your CB are going to be challenged on the outside. The good thing is the fade route isn't necessarily a high percentage throw but you do get some flags from time to time and with single coverage they are going to win some of those battles from time to time. Going cover 2 can give you a new look and get that safety over the top and may surprise a few teams from time to time. The cb may be able to jump #2 to the flat if they run the standard #1 on the fade #2 to the flat concept.
Here is NC State running the fade vs press quarters
Later they run another fade after going formation to the boundary. They motion back to 2x2 and the #2 wr runs the out and #1 runs the fade. He cuts his split down to the # which allows him more room on the sideline.
In the above Notre Dame hits it for a big play. It's tough because your CB are 1x1 on an island at times which makes it difficult to consistently win vs the 1x1 fade route.
Here Notre Dame hits it for a 70 yard gain. Although they go 2 under 3 deep but the press quarters look pre snap allowed Notre Dame to audible and they threw the fade on 3rd and 14.
Problem #3 Condensed and Stack Sets
The last thing you are starting to see is the post corner by #1 in condensed sets and this is a tough route to cover. More and more teams are starting to run condensed routes like mesh, shallow cross and the smash concept and cover 2 is a good answer to all those concepts and also an excellent coverage vs condensed formations. It helps you with the pick and gives you a flat defender with leverage.
Notre Dame runs an RPO off stack route. The Sam triggers quickly allowing the WR to get out on #1 and he's late getting out to help on the screen.
Ends up being a 12 yard gain. If you have some cover 2 in the picture it would create a cloudy read for the qb pre snap.
#4 Post Dig concepts
You always get a handful of post dig vs cover 4(both pressed and off) cover 2 gives you some more underneath support on the dig with the nickel and LB allowing the safety to play the post.
Here’s a cover 4 beater.
I hope you enjoyed this analysis of how Press quarters and cover 2 could be the perfect marriage. Below are some other articles you may enjoy about press quarters.
Other press quarter articles:
Match quarters article